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Hi, wir müssen in Englisch ein Video gucken und dann die Fragen beantworten. Leider kann ich irgendwie Garzeit Englisch, stehe auch auf 5 und ich kriege das nicht hin. Ich kann ja kein komplettes Video einfach übersetzen… die Fragen konnte ich übersetzen, aber leider bringt mir das auch nichts…
kann mir jemand helfen und die Fragen beantworten?
1. You are about to watch a TEDTalk about cross cultural communication in a globalized (business) world. On your own, collect ideas about what is important in communicating across cultures:
2. When it comes to successfully communicating across borders in a globalized (business) world, Pellegrino Riccardi suggests to
investigate other cultures in order to prepare for communicating with them. explore your own culture.
3. What do people usually expect from Mr. Riccardi?
4. One of the major problems in cross cultural communication is that __________________ __________________________________________________________________________.
5. Giving people an understanding about a foreign culture, Mr. Riccardi tells them about what is considered as _______________ and _______________ .
6. Describe one of the examples Mr. Riccardi offers to illustrate cultural differences:
__________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ .
7. What part of the Norwegian culture still gives him trouble?
__________________________________________________________________________ .
8. Together as a group, collect ideas about the limits of Mr. Riccardi’s work:

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1 Antwort

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Für die 1., 2. und 8. Aufgabe brauchst du das Video nicht.

1. collect ideas about what is important in communicating across cultures

2. explore your own culture.

8. Together as a group, collect ideas about the limits of Mr. Riccardi’s work

3. The expect him to speak with an Italian accent.

4. People see what they want to see.

5. accepted and familiar

6. His wife asked his father to if he would like to go for a walk in the forest. In Italy this questions means you want to go outside with somebody to kill him.

7. That they follow the rules

Gruß, Silvia

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